Be prepared for your visit
In order for us to give you the highest quality care possible and treat you as efficiently as we can, please read over this page to be fully prepared for your visit to any of our offices.
Electrical Medical Records (EMR)
Our office is paperless and utilizes electronic medical records. For your convenience, we register everyone prior to your office visit.
Please have your medical insurance, specialist copay, primary care physician and pharmacy information available when you call to make a new patient appointment
Costs and medical insurance coverage
All patients are required to pay their copay at the time of their visit. Also, if a referral is required for you to see a specialist, it is your responsibility to get the referral from your primary care provider.
Most of the insurances will cover the cost of your allergy testing and other diagnostic testing done at our office. However, a number of insurances apply these diagnostic tests towards patients’ deductibles.
As testing can cost a few hundred dollars, we suggest that you contact your insurance regarding coverage and deductibles. Please make arrangements for payment of deductibles, as this is your responsibility.
Accepting all of the following insurances, but not limited to:
Medications Interfere:
The following medications interfere with skin allergy testing; therefore, we ask that you discontinue the following medications for four days prior to your visit.